Member Story Janette*
Member Story

Janette is a young mother and former foster youth living in San Francisco. She is currently a student at City College in San Francisco and working on building her resume so she can find employment to support her family. In between caring for her son and being in school, Janette also attends parenting classes to improve her skills.

Janette discovered One Degree through her case worker at a San Francisco-based nonprofit that helps foster youth work towards financial and social independence. Janette has been an active member since.

As a busy student and mother, Janette needs a variety of resources to help make ends meet. She’s used One Degree to find job search assistance, housing, and food for herself and her infant son.

During her search for long-term housing, Janette was able to quickly identify potential resources by searching on the One Degree mobile app. She liked that she can quickly see the address and open hours for housing opportunities. She also loved that she can leave a rating so others like her can make an informed decision about accessing resources.